Digital Painting

Digital painting is much like regular painting, it’s just done on the computer. Paint moves and looks the same as if it were done on paper or canvas. It gives me the freedom to experiment without having to start over if you or I am not happy. I offer oil and watercolor and specialize in Pet Portraits and Memorials

Why choose me when there are so many phone apps out there?!
First, to do anything meaningful, you have to subscribe. Second, I’m not sure how many out there let you actually print something larger than a 4x6. Lastly, personalized paintings, made to fit your color scheme, your dimensions and your style is what I offer. Quality products, high quality canvases and prints that will last.

The dragonfly only lives as an adult for a short period of time. Thus, they remind us to seize the day and live life to the fullest. Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today.


Photo Restoration